Deep Dive Series: Living Wage | Investing in Responsibility: The Business Case for Living Wage (in English)

A living wage is an essential component of decent work and a cornerstone of sustainable development, contributing directly
to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is an integral part of a people-centered sustainability approach.
Yet, over a billion working people worldwide – roughly a third of all workers – are estimated to earn less than they need to
afford a decent standard of living.
Datum & Uhrzeit / Date & time
Dienstag, 10.12.2024, 11:00h – 12:30h
Veranstalter / Organizer

UN Global Compact

Art der Veranstaltung / Event type
Themenbereich / Topic


Paying a living wage is not only an important component of corporate social responsibility, but also offers businesses significant opportunities. Committing to being a living wage employer supports a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce, reduces turnover costs and addresses the concerns of consumer, investor, and shareholder regarding respect for workers’ rights. Additionally, it enhances supply chain resilience and strengthens relationships. 

Over the course of three Deep Dive Sessions, the Living Wage Series offers companies and non-business stakeholders an introduction to key components of a living wage


This session will outline the combined business and societal value of paying living wages as well as examine challenges businesses face in paying living wages in their own operations and supply chains, whilst providing actions to overcome them. The session will enable participants to understand the positive impacts of a living wage, engage internal and external actors, handle pushback, and employ useful tools and resources along their living wage journey.


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